Over the course of a 90-minute match, that's over 2,400 football fields worth of forest lost.
This endangers marine ecosystems and the more than 3 billion people globally who rely on fish as their primary protein source.
Soil houses over 25% of our planet's biodiversity and 95% of our food relies on healthy soil.
These biodiverse habitats are home to countless species and are also some of our greatest allies against the climate crisis, storing carbon and protecting us from floods and storms.
Yet, around a third of all food produced still goes to waste - either thrown away or lost in the supply chain - and over 821 million people go hungry every day.
66% of the world’s population already faces water shortages for at least one month a year.
At the 15th United Nations Conference on Biodiversity - aka CBD COP 15 - world leaders must score a goal that means the world, literally: approving a comprehensive global nature protection plan and committing to reverse nature loss by 2030.
We don't have many chances like these left to tackle nature loss - there is no 'half time break'. There is no 'extra time'. There is no 'next season.' Now is the time to kick off a new chapter for people and the planet.
Learn more about COP15 here.
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